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Maryland ACC advocates for the health of patients, provides local and regional educational opportunities,

connects the local CV community, and mentors the next generation of diverse CV professionals.

President's Message

february 2025

Dear MDACC Members:

Our State of the State report for 2024 was again full of new programming, advocacy wins, and our excitement partnership with Germany. Check out all that has gone on and see where you’d like to join us in 2025.

2024 State of the State Report


Created a partnership with the German Cardiac Society (DGK) and built the Developing International Leadership Program. This year long program, supported by both societies and the German government, brings together fellows-in-training from Maryland and Germany. The aim of this initiative is to create a platform for outstanding fellows-in-training (FIT) who want to be future leaders in cardiovascular medicine. The program:

      • Covers a comprehensive range of important topics including but not limited to career planning, fundamental management basics, ethical considerations and personal well-being
      • Creates the opportunity for an exchange with experienced leaders in the field
      • Enables building international networks with peers during their early careers

FITs, society leadership, and guest speakers have met in-person in Washington, DC and participated in a DiSC training session and Mid-Atlantic Capital Cardiology Symposium and via Zoom.

Increase Relevance as the CV Professional Home (in particular, highlight any activity/ies that advance diversity and inclusivity, health equity, and/or member wellness)


Reached out to every graduating FIT with personal email from a leader, package including a modest gift and letter of congratulations, and follow-up emails about how to gain FACC designation.


Continue the personal outreach using the ACC toolkit in conjunction with MDACC materials.


Hosted Women in Cardiology virtual seminar focused on career issues for mid-career WIC.


Next year can come together again at Heart House (the in-person portion is a biennial event).

Generate and Deliver Actionable Knowledge


Hosted joint CME/CNE Meeting with Mid-Atlantic Chapters focusing on CV care through the life span. Included pediatric focus which brought more pediatric members to the meeting.


Expand the reach of the program by offering additional leadership and planning committee openings and asking up and coming faculty to speak thus expanding their resumes.


CVTeam designed virtual program Pillars of Cardiology to address topics that are relevant to current practice.


Continue the series by adding more debates to the format.

Advance Quality, Equity, and Value of CV Care


Reenergized Advocacy Committee engaged medical society and members to support bills. Work on the non-compete bill was significant and members rallied to contact lawmakers. Non-competes will be severely limited in Maryland as of July 2025. Because of the combined efforts, Maryland ACC was able to successfully advocate in Annapolis for legislation that tangibly benefits our patients and improves our work environment. This law greatly limits non-competes for healthcare professionals. It effectively bans all non-compete agreements (restrictive covenants) signed after July 1, 2025, for all those that make less than $350,000/year. For those that make more than $350,000/year, non-compete agreements are allowed but cannot exceed 1 year/10 miles from the primary practice location.


Build on the energy from the committee and identify issues early in session we can alert and engage the membership.

Ensure Organizational Growth and Sustainability


Worked with committee chairs to create specific goals for each committee.


Meet with all chairs to ascertain how leaders can assist, encourage, and track how projects are advancing.

The Maryland Chapter ACC supports the American College of Cardiology’s statement of support for the Ukrainian people; see this link for the full statement.

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Agenda and registration are here 

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Click on the graphic or here to listen to this episode.

Maryland Chapter, American College of Cardiology
1783 Forest Drive, Suite 238
Annapolis, MD 21401

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